[extropy-chat] new record largest prime

Dan Clemmensen dgc at cox.net
Sun Feb 27 15:34:42 UTC 2005

spike wrote:

>225964951 - 1 is prime.
I think you mean:
    one less than two to the power of 25,964,951
Sure enough, that's a big number. 25,964,951 binary digits,
all ones.

>This new record largest prime has over 7.8 million 
>decimal digits.  The largest known prime doubled in
>size every 12.5 seconds since the record was last
>set in May 04.  It probably won't make a big splash
>in the press this time, since it is the third record
>in the past 15 months.  We have come to expect such
>miracles, ho hum, and on a regular schedule thank you
>very much.
>The next one should get more attention because someone
>is going to win 100k-bucks for it.  If you start GIMPS
>now, you have as good a chance as anyone else of that
>person being you.  
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