[extropy-chat] Draft List of "Transhumanist" Themed Charities
Jay Dugger
jay.dugger at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 00:12:05 UTC 2005
Saturday, 01 January 2005
Hello all:
After soliciting suggestions from both lists late last year, I
did a little research of my own. Below find a list of "transhumanist"
themed charities. I admit to using a vague term. It might mean at most
a list of charities that most self-described transhumanists would
consider worthy beneficiaries. Some examples of rejected charities
follow at the list's end.If you've more suggestions, please post them
back to the list.
* Future Studies
o ~ Foundation for the Future <http://ww.foundationfuture.org>
o ~ Foresight Institute <http://www.foresight.org>
* Life Extension
o ~ Methuselah Mouse Prize <http://www.mprize.org>
o ~ Immortality Institute <http://www.imminst.org>
* Intelligence Increase
o ~ Singularity Institute <http://www.singinst.org>
* Other
o ~ WTA <http://transhumanism.org>
o ~ Extropy Institute <http://extropy.org>
o ~ TV 2005 Scholarship Fund
* Social Studies
o Ethics
+ ~ Center for Responsible Nanotechnology
o Microfinance
+ ~ Microcredit Summit Campaign
+ ~ Grameen Foundation USA
o Your Rights Online
+ ~ Creative Commons <http://creativecommons.org/support/>
+ ~ Electronic Frontier Foundation <http://www.eff.org>
* Space Migration
o Advocacy
+ ~ National Space Society <http://www.nss.org>
+ Planetary Society
+ Mars Society
o History
+ ~ Saturn V Restoration
o Prizes
+ ~ Elevator 2010
+ ~ X-Prize Foundation <http://www.xprize.org>
o Overly Political
+ American Libertarian Party
+ Free State Project
+ Cato Institute
o Business-related or sponsored
+ Linden Lab
+ Sourceforge
o Technophobic
+ Greenpeace
+ Most Environmental Groups
(Any suggestions for an environmental group that's
not technophobic?)
o Local
+ America's Prize
(Saturn V Restoration exempted for its role in
humanity's first lunar landing)
o No >H Character
+ International Red Cross
Jay Dugger
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