[extropy-chat] (no subject)
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 10:47:13 UTC 2005
After the American people were lied to about 9/11, after they put of
the full investigation for 3 years and then stopped most interesting
lines of question or took them off the record, after starting a war
for no damn reason than the administration wanted it, after saying we
were going to Afghanistan to get bin Laden only to later be told Bush
doesn't really care about him, after the endless expansion of
government secrecy, after all the terrorist alert scares that led to
nothing, after all of this and more you dare float that the enemies of
the administration (enemies for some unknown and dark reason) were
really responsible for much of it and that everything is really ok?
Is this really what you are saying at this very late and very dark
date? If it is I don't understand how you can manage to lie to
yourself that deeply. If you are rational you had best be the
"enemy" of the state run by this administration. Because they are
sure as hell yours if you love freedom and what this country was
supposed to stand for.
- samantha
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 19:23:34 -0800, spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> --- matus at matus1976.com wrote:
> > I really have to wonder what the world would be like
> > if the media covered the murderous tyrants of the
> > world as it does to this tragedy...
> Quite a few journalists have tried to give us that
> coverage. They tend to get arrested or shot by the
> same dictators for their efforts...
> -------------
> In all this discussion, I haven't seen mentioned the risk of
> slanted, exaggerated or false reporting by enemies of the
> state, in a direct effort to topple the regime. The argument
> can be made that much of the reason the U.S. invaded Iraq
> was because of reports that they were developing dangerous
> weapons. It isn't hard to believe that such reports, for
> in the U.S. much of our mainstream media appears to be
> populated with those who oppose the current government,
> and have shown themselves willing and eager to spew
> slanted, exaggerated or false propaganda in an effort to
> topple that regime. Two glaring examples, Rathergate and
> missing-explosives-gate.
> spike
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