[extropy-chat] weaponry

Kevin Freels cmcmortgage at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 6 21:43:43 UTC 2005

One thing you should keep in mind. You don;t want to pull a gun out unless
you intend to use it. Pulling a gun out incites the fight or flee response
in the would-be attacker. They may flee, but they are just as likely to
choose to fight. Your choice to pull out your starter gun may likely just
make your attacker more angry!

Once you cross that line, you don;t have the ability to stop your attacker
because your gun isn't real. This is a VERY bad situation.

Also, having a gun that you aren;t afraid of will probably make you more
likely to pull it out since you know that you couldn;t actually hurt someone
with it.

Simply put, guns are not for scaring and they are not for killing. They are
for stopping. If a weapon other than a bullet is even invented that will
just as reliably stop a 280 lb attacker that is running at me from 20 feet
away, I will use it. Otherwise, I will keep to packing my .40 cal EAA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. Andrew Rogers" <andrew at ceruleansystems.com>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] weaponry

> > What are the statutes concerning starter pistols
> > loaded with blanks? I for one would be too concerned
> > about accidental discharge to carry any weapon loaded
> > with live ammo.
> Why would you bother?
> In any case, your question is based on a false premise.  Modern firearms
> are very safe and engineered specifically to make accidental discharge
> impossible to the extent that it is mechanically possible.  Obviously
> they cannot protect against gross errors in judgement and handling by
> the owner, which is the only way an "accidental discharge" will happen.
>  And rudimentary competence and discipline can eliminate that problem.
> j. andrew rogers
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