[extropy-chat] Transhumanism: 2000 Years in the Making

Dirk Bruere dirk at neopax.com
Fri Jan 7 16:57:37 UTC 2005

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 wrote:

>With the Transhumanist movement, one sees the Gnostic strain
>reasserting itself in the quest to transcend the degenerate body. The
>body is held in disdain. Advocates for enhancement technology exhibit
>disdain for the current status of the physical body. There is an
>abhorrence of the limitations that nature has placed upon the species.
>The insufficiencies of height, strength, vision, hearing, longevity
>and cognition are roadblocks to happiness and perpetual fulfillment.
>Nature has gotten the human race this far, but the inherent limits of
>existence are hurdles to be leapt.
>Like the earlier Gnostics, knowledge and insight are the keys to
>overcome the deficiencies of the physical. With the accumulation of
>research in genetic engineering, nanotechnology, artificial
>intelligence, and neural network interfacing, man will be able to
>overwhelm the frailty and deficiency inherent in the human condition
>and transform that which was weak into strength. The ability to
>repair, replace or enhance the various biological systems in the body
>allows one to overcome the limits of finitude. A logical outcome of
>this is the prospect of a multitiered view of humanity. If strong
>advocates of transhumanism have their wish, a new species of Techno
>sapien will emerge.
That's a very interesting POV.
Modern Gnosticism...
I think I'll spread this bit of info around.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

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