[extropy-chat] Bill Moyers' Comments - GlobalEnvironmentCitizenAward
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 9 05:33:52 UTC 2005
--- Jon Swanson <jon.swanson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Global warming is causing the ice cap to melt, which is releasing
> tremendous amounts of fresh water into the north atlantic, thus
> increasing the buoyancy of the surface water. Increased buoyancy may
> prevent the current from sinking into the depths and moving
> southward, thus shutting down the cycle in the north atlantic.
> With no more warm water flowing into the north atlantic, winters in
> NA and Western Europe will most likely become much colder.
Which is a self contradicting statement. If the arctic ice cap is
melting due to warming, then there isn't gonna be any cold to cool
europe down. You can't chill your champagne without any ice, bub.
> I haven't come across any articles claiming that this can bring about
> an ice age, but it will cause colder winters in north america and
> europe.
North America gets its cold from Alaska and the Yukon. As there is no
ice there, the winter wouldn't get colder.... you folks need to start
using real logic when you construct your propaganda.
> What are the better solutions to the CO2 problem you had in mind?
There are plenty of methods of carbon sequestration that would be
cheaper than hamstringing every developed economy with overbearing
taxes on energy that would never be used on the environment, instead
the energy tax revinues are to be used on constructing a global wefare
state, not what the proponents of the greenhouse theory claim, but
looking at the groups doing the talking, it is their primary agenda.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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