[extropy-chat] Trees

Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc. megao at sasktel.net
Mon Jan 10 16:14:51 UTC 2005

Eugen Leitl wrote:

> <>On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 07:38:47PM -0600, Extropian Agroforestry 
> Ventures Inc. wrote:

> <>A solar energy satellite-based redirection project to intensify solar
> energy availablity in the mid and north latitudes
>Allright, what's the price tag to launch 100 kT to some 2 Mm orbit, and even
>assuming pure hydrogen/oxygen motors, how much havoc will this wreck to the
>I mean, really.

Perhaps moon based manufacturing launched  by mass driver or space elavator.
This would be a good reason to get manned lunar bases built and operating.
The first uses could beam energy back to the moon for 
manufacturing/smelting  and become a resource
If required later on  for earth
based applications such as climate modifications.

> <>might become a backup just in case we get our first shot of rebound 
> cold
> before we get the polar caps sucessfully melted and
> learn to control the new more dynamic ecosystem.
>We don't know what we're doing, but we'll just double the effort.
The rate of knowlege about climate mechanisms will continue to 
appreciate over the time required to
develop and deploy a modification system.  If computational capacity 
continues to increase,  the systems required to
model global environment modulation simulations  will be developed in 
the next 10 -15 years. 

>>One of the most dangerous things today is the use of annual species for 
>>ag production.
>One of the most idiotic thing is mismanagement of existing biosystems.
>E.g. if you try to prevent periodic burns in SoCal, you only accrue
>combustibles, and the eventually resulting conflagration will be much harder
>to control.
This mismanagement is more an economic issue than environmental.
Excess combustibles for example would not accrue if the species were 
harvested on a rotational basis.
If human labour is unjustified, then  perhaps John Deere might develop 
prototype robotic harvesters
under DARPA funding which would have eventual civilian biomass 
harvesting applications.

The entire ag economy is driven by economics that only plan 2-5 years 
into the future....given the BSE experience
here in Canada I should have said 1 year in advance because the ag 
economy simply does not plan for

> <>If some disaster or crisis removed the farmer from the picure worldwide
> for more than
> 2 years the seed necessary to replace the crops could be nonexistant.
> Moving the ag production genetics into perennial species is one way to
> alter the CO2 use VS creation ratio.
>Want to reduce CO2, invest in building insulation. And passive solar.
>What is government there for if not to enforce unpopular decisions? Giving
>hefty tax breaks for this should be sufficient motivation.
This last round of energy price increases once worked entirely through 
the economy
should produce a new round of conservation measures.

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