[extropy-chat] weaponry
Adrian Tymes
wingcat at pacbell.net
Tue Jan 11 17:06:48 UTC 2005
--- Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Adrian Tymes <wingcat at pacbell.net> wrote:
> > "Checked luggage" is itself an inconvenience. I
> don't
> > fly much, but when I do, I've done carry-on only
> for
> > the past few years. And if there are any special
> > procedures required for a certain item, that's
> another
> > inconvenience.
> That is what you get for tolerating an
> unconstitutional FAA.
Actually, this is what we get for tolerating airlines
that are routinely sloppy with handling checked
baggage, such that some of us grow concerned that our
bags will in fact reach the same destination we are
headed for, at least without a delay of several days
(and major inconvenience in the mean time as we had
planned to rely on things in that checked baggage,
such as the next day's clothes). Some of the blame
might go to the FAA, but the airlines themselves bear
prime responsibility here.
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