[extropy-chat] Nearby quasar, quantized redshift
Acy James Stapp
astapp at fizzfactorgames.com
Tue Jan 11 20:42:16 UTC 2005
Astronomers at UCSD have observed a highly redshifted quasar in nearby
galaxy NCG 7319.
Any inexplicable cosmological phenomenon picques my interest, and in the
course of my research I came across the idea that redshift is quantized.
This is apparently a controversial issue in the astronomical community.
On the web, most pages seems to be by "creation scientists". This
immediately raises my suspicions but one ignores the truth at one's own
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_shift (I know, unreviewed, blah blah)
Much more detailed papers are available at
http://sastpc.org/publications.php for those interested.
Primary proponents seem to be William Tifft, with additional support
from William Napier and Bruce Guthrie. Another supporter is Halton Arp.
If anyone is familiar with this effect could you please post a summary
understandable to the layman of the current state of research? I am
particularly interested in how this effects the standard cosmology and
alternative cosmologies which do explain it. Bonus points for citations
from refereed, reputable journals :)
I'd love to continue digging myself, but I have work to do :(
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