[extropy-chat] change of topic
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 11 22:48:50 UTC 2005
--- Kevin Freels <cmcmortgage at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I remember that conversation. I didn;t say it was difficult. I was
> commenting on your calculations of time vs tax burden. It would be
> great if
> you could spend 2 hours per day instructing and work 6 and get rid of
> public
> schools, but it just doesn;t work like that.
On the contrary, it does. The Dept of Ed's own study of homeschooling
made it pretty clear that homeschooling requires, on average, 2 hours
per day and an annual average cost of $95.00. Not only that, but the
goverment admitted that homeschooled kids are far less likely to commit
crime, are on average far better educated than public school kids, and
achieve more in post-secondary education as well as future earnings.
The anti-home-schooling propaganda put ot by teachers unions and
atheist statists that home schoolers are a bunch of ignorant hick bible
thumpers who turn out illiterate 'cestnoids couldn't be further from
the truth, and the government itself admits as much.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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