[extropy-chat] CA Extropes: Microsoft owes you money

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 12 23:05:37 UTC 2005

Microsoft owes you money: If you live in California and purchased
Microsoft Windows, Excel or Word between Feb. 18, 1995, and Dec. 15,
2001, you're owed a piece of California's $1.1 billion settlement
against Microsoft. The original deadline for filing a claim was Jan. 8,
but Microsoft has extended it because of technical problems with the
settlement Web site. Claimants now have until Jan. 22 to submit their
paperwork, which is a good thing, because far too few people seem to
have taken advantage of the offer. In fact, the Settlement Recovery
Center (SRC), which assists businesses and non-profits making claims in
class actions, recently said fewer than 1 million claims out of a
potential 14 million have been filed so far. That's just pathetic.
"Companies don't understand what's at stake," said SRC founder and CEO
Howard Yellen in a statement. "The Microsoft settlement is great, but
it's not well understood. We have quite a few corporate clients who
will recover over a million dollars each." 

Those wishing to collect their "fair share" (and don't forget my
birthday on Jan 19th!!!):

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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