[extropy-chat] Transformation of a paradigm?

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 13 06:28:08 UTC 2005

IBM Gives Open Source Developers Free Access to 500


Shootin' from the hip, wild guess, no time to look
into it deeply.

IBM, having made a committment to open source, now
takes a stab at a business model.  Give some of your
stuff away to create a demand for your other stuff.

Could this be a big little thing, or a little big

Time on my hands.  Finished the honkin' big solarium
on the honkin' big cedar deck I put on the back of the
not-at-all-honkin'-big house.  But it's cozy.  Built
the deck last year, the solarium from April this y...,
er, well I guess it's last year, now.  Faces the
Strait of Georgia, two hundred thirty five degrees

Now we pack for Baja.  

Best, Jeff Davis
         Eternity is a long time, 
              especially toward the end. 
                             Woody Allen

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