[extropy-chat] Transhumanist Survivalism
Eugen Leitl
eugen at leitl.org
Thu Jan 13 22:24:19 UTC 2005
On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 02:06:50PM -0600, Alex F. Bokov wrote:
> All of us are deeply vested in a complex,
> high-tech society. We are staking almost
> everything on the assumption that this
> society will not collapse the way every
> great civilization before us did. I humbly
Yes. Because we're screwed, if it happens. At least, until systems are
self-maintaining, if not evolving.
> propose that we dedicate some fraction of
> our intelligence to putting together a
> contingency plan in case we're wrong.
> The stereotypical "survivalist" strategy is
> forming a small, isolated community in an
> easily farmed area with naturally occurring
> fresh water, and reliance on technology that
> does not require a large infrastructure to
> produce.
I really like Vinge, but there are a few points which stroke me against the
fur. A leading theme in his oevre is a ridiculously fast advance of a small
band of people. About every second person is a genius and shaper to put Ayn
Rand to shame.
It's a nice ideal society, but not exactly realistic. A genius-grade society
would be easily two orders of magnitude more dynamic (if support is done by
automation), but it's not obvious we'd get lots of geniuses in a land
overflowing with milk & honey. And anything else would just fall back to a far
more primitive state of technology.
> If you are satisfied with such a lifestyle,
> now is the time for you to actively start
> seeking out or forming such a community. I
If you can't get liquid nitrogen, or at least enough energy for sustained
-150 C refrigeration until the new Dark Ages are over, you're screwed.
There's not enough critical mass in a small bands of people to keep status
quo afloat. At least, with current level of technology.
If you want knowledge to survive, that's relatively easy: just bury lots of
compact libraries (Rosetta stones included), where one will be eventually discovered.
However, it will be of no direct use to anyone who's soaking in one of these
long dark teatimes of the soul.
> sincerely wish you the best-- if you succeed
> perhaps someday we will be allies and trading
> partners. The more survival strategies are in
> play, the better it will be for the human
> species.
Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144 http://www.leitl.org
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