[extropy-chat] Huygens: First visitor to Titan
Hal Finney
hal at finney.org
Sat Jan 15 06:11:33 UTC 2005
I noticed something interesting in comparing the ESA's published image
at http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Cassini-Huygens/SEMBQO71Y3E_0.html
which shows the view from the ground, with the corresponding raw
image. The raw images are no longer available at the arizona.edu
web site, maybe the ESA got mad at them, but space.com has some at:
http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/huygens_images_050114.html .
The one in the top left at the bottom of the page looks to me like
essentially the same as the ESA one, but it is slightly less cropped.
The larger view makes it appear that there is a humongous mountain in
the background! It's not so noticeable in the ESA version, but in the
raw image you can not only see a bit of the mountain's edge in the top
right corner, you can faintly see what appear to be rock formations on
the mountain.
Of course I don't know that it's really big, it could be a hill seen
through a telephoto lens. It will be great to see the additional images
as the ESA releases them.
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