[extropy-chat] Huygens: First visitor to Titan
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 15 22:48:48 UTC 2005
--- Amara Graps <Amara.Graps at ifsi.rm.cnr.it> wrote:
> Mike Lorrey
> >For example, with Cassini, large amounts of time spent in orbit,
> >nowhere near any rings or moons, may be worth little beyond
> >>magnetospheric data and meteorological observation of the
> >Saturnian atmosphere.
> ??!!
> Cassini was far from 'asleep' during its 7 years (15Oct1997 -
> 1Jul2004) in interplanetary space. Many of the instruments were on,
> such as the particles and fields instruments (measuring magnetic
> field, plasma, dust, etc.)
Okay, then my previous calculation makes Cassini's average cost per
data minute on a par with the Mars Rovers. If so, such a valuation
demolishes the idea of "Better, Faster, Cheaper" that Sean O'Keefe
promoted for many years: The Mars Rovers are no cheaper, in data
dollars, than Cassini, which is arguably the most 'expensive' space
probe in history. One does need to ask what the value of a data minute
of particle and field data is worth versus photography of planets and
moons, radar mapping, etc.
As for Huygens, maybe it is because of the age of the probes, but after
seeing the pictures from the Mars Rovers, the miniscule low resolution
pictures sent back by Huygens are a little disappointing.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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