[extropy-chat] MLK, JFK, RFK, Lennon...
Ned Late
nedlt at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 19 02:39:49 UTC 2005
James Forman wasn't nearly as well known as King. King
came out publicly against the Vietnam War, then months
later he is shot. Did Forman denounce the war? If he
did, was his opposition to the war widely publicised?
> Observe: A contemporary of MLK - civil rights
> pioneer James Forman, who
> died just a week ago - was one of the people who
> "changed the course of
> mighty rivers."
JFK started the Apollo Program, and pushed for the
Civil Rights Bill-- passed soon after he was killed.
> And since you mentioned JFK - what did he ever do to
> alter the status quo?
> (In most important ways he was the personification
> of the status quo,
> testing which way the wind blew before commiting his
> thoughts towards the
> "right path.").
> Olga
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