[extropy-chat] Harvard president criticized over comments
tankdoc at adelphia.net
Wed Jan 19 05:03:03 UTC 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: "Damien Broderick" <thespike at satx.rr.com>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Harvard president criticized over comments
> At 03:18 PM 1/18/2005 -0800, Mike Lorrey wrote:
>>What is going on right now is that in elementary school and high
>>school, the feminazi NEA
> Just for the sake of civility, how about we adopt a moratorium for a year
> or so on cheap gibes like `feminazi', `hoplonazi' and other playground
> terms of abuse?
>>is persecuting boys who refuse to act like
>>girls with testicles.
> Amazing morphological news: boys *are* girls with testicles.
> Presumably Mike meant `act like boys *without* testicles'. As I dimly
> recall my own ancient schooldays, boys who did well at mathematics and
> science were mocked by other, usually more swaggering, boys as sissies,
> fairies, ball-less wonders, and so on. Certainly, advanced skill at
> mathematics--or learning of any kind outside of fixing cars--was not seen
> as evidence of testicles.
> Damien Broderick
This is my third or fourth post in 15 years - on and off - reading this
list. While I can understand the offence taken by the terms above I have to
agree completely with the premise. Simply watch the message sent by schools
that abhor competition, or even the concept of winners since it implies
losers. Watch the message the American Media sends in its television
commercials, the male is most always the dumb, uninformed or just plain
stupid partner. Simply reverse the gender role assigned in most all American
TV commercials and ask yourself, would this add be run under those
Sorry if Ive dumbed down the list conversation, it simply hit a hot button
of mine.
Jerry Imbriale
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