[extropy-chat] A Call to Arms in the War of Evolution and an Inquiry about SMI2LE
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 18:17:04 UTC 2005
Thanks Brian for this very interesting first post to the list. Don't
fear rejection, and don't take seriously those who behave rudely to
newcomers. I have been on this list for many years now and, despite
the occasional misunderstandings and unpleasant behaviour which happen
in all online communities, find that this list is full of very
interesting people and can provide a lot of interesting things to
read, think about and discuss.
Leary's SMI2LE seems a bit forgotten this days but perhaps will become
fashionable again.
I would add cognitive sciences and brain mapping to your list. You
could start reading the proceedings of the two NBIC conferences
(google "nbic converging").
On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 15:11:36 -0800 (PST), Brian Campbell
<neommox at yahoo.com> wrote:
> A Call to Arms in the War of Evolution
> and an Inquiry Concerning Aspects of Knowledge Specific to Leary's SMI2LE
> Theory
> A Call to Arms in the War of Evolution
> I choose here to speak my mind because I am finding it more and more
> difficult to discuss and advance my theories. I know less than 6 people who
> are interested and advanced enough to really stimulate my mind. Revelations
> are becoming fewer and further between ever passing day and i grow more and
> more bored. I know of no better place to find the stimulation i need than
> here. I seek your knowledge and wisdom. I have read the extropy chat and
> have been really apprehensive about posting because i fear rejection by
> those older and more intelligent thinkers whom i respect so much. I would
> ask u try to look over my grammar errors. I have tried my best to make this
> as legible as possible. Now on with the show.
> I seek to absorb all the knowledge i can, process it , and spread it too all
> that are interested. I seek knowledge in every form I can, from writings of
> all kinds, experience (my own and anyone else's who chooses to share), and
> conversations/debates. I take in this information , process it based on my
> previous info, and use it as much as I can to further my understanding of
> the nature of everything. I share all I know in hopes of getting feedback on
> alternate points of view, flaws in my theories, and/or new
> connections/possibilities. This is the meaning of my life. I tell u this
> here because it is the most meaningful thing I can see in life and in hopes
> that someone reading this will be inspired or at the very least that this
> will get them to thinking. I am what Leary calls an Intelligence Agent, and
> this is my call to arms.
> In my opinion, (as everything i say is, of course. so i wont bother stating
> this further) the purpose of all things in our known universe is to evolve.
> Our universe is a system, not unlike an exponentially more large and complex
> computer than those we have created. It is a self-evolving system based on
> some fundamental rules. As the system gets more complex, there is much more
> potential in the system for positivity and negativity (in this case just
> think of it as simply evolution and de-evolution respectively, as i don't
> feel this is the time or place to go further into my theories on chaotic
> positivity and negativity). This increase in positive/negative potential
> cannot be avoided. It is the reward/cost of evolution.
> All things go through the process of the metaphysical trinity (dynamism,
> stasis, entropy, and back to dynamism). This process ensures that all things
> grow until they reach a barrier or limit of some kind (current technology or
> information, for instance). They then break down when a new possibility
> becomes available (certain old aspects in favor of new "potentially" better
> aspects, survival of the fittest, if u will) allowing for further growth and
> expansion.
> The universe has reached a point were it has created a system advanced
> enough for creative/ complex thought and a free will beyond anything else we
> currently know of (a stage in which the universe "computer" has created AI).
> Being the most advanced (as far as we know) system in this universe we have
> been given the greatest power for change (by system here I mean the human
> race). Our job (our meaning of life) is to further the evolution of all we
> can. We will do this one way or the other, consciously or not.The question
> is do u actively participate (to greatly speed up the evolution) or do u
> passively ride the chaos at the whim of whoever/whatever chooses to act upon
> u ? This is a question of power. Do u control or be controlled?Are u a
> shepherd or a sheep? Do you blissfully sleep or take active part in the
> greatest adventure of our times? Of course, thats only my 2 cents. Take it
> as u will.
> An Inquiry Concerning Aspects of Knowledge Specific to Leary's SMI2LE Theory
> I am requesting your help to further SMI2LE (SM= space migration, I2=
> intelligence increase, LE= life expectancy ). I have made a list of the
> areas of study that i feel would be most beneficial to the I2 and LE parts
> (the 2 of most interest to myself) . I was hoping to get your opinions and
> any info u know on the subjects as it relates to SMI2LE or resources (online
> preferably) where I could find the info for myself. I am researching this
> because i want to eventually get into one of these areas as a career so i
> can do my best to further SMI2LE. Here is my list with brief details on the
> parts of the field i find most important. Thank you in advance for any
> comments/help u may offer.
> 1) Biochemistry (the cell-chemical relations inside the human body)
> 2) Neurology (structure and development on the cellular level)
> 3) Free radicals and other things that influence DNA/cells entropy or growth
> 4) DNA ( structure/development/breakdown/manipulation. to "force" biological
> evolution through manipulation)
> 5) Biomechanics ( biological and mechanical interface/interaction. to
> electronically/mechanically evolve mental/physical capabilities)
> 6) Nanotechnology (research/development , function/use theories, development
> problems/solutions)
> Neommox at yahoo.com
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