[extropy-chat] Open-Source Biology Evolves
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 05:41:55 UTC 2005
To push research forward, scientists need to draw from the best data
and innovations in their field. Much of the work, however, is patented,
leaving many academic and nonprofit researchers hamstrung. But an
Australian organization advocating an open-source approach to biology
hopes to free up biological data without violating intellectual
property rights.
The battle lies between biotech companies like multinational Monsanto,
who can grant or deny the legal use of biological information, and
independent organizations like The Biological Innovation for Open
Society, or BIOS, and Science Commons. The indies want to give
scientists free access to the latest methods in biotechnology through
the web.
BIOS will soon launch an open-source platform that promises to free up
rights to patented DNA sequences and the methods needed to manipulate
biological material. Users must only follow BIOS' "rules of
engagement," which are similar to those used by the open-source
software community.
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