[extropy-chat] Information Wants to be Liquid
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 19:43:12 UTC 2005
I believe the concept here is that every word can be clicked to trigger
a googlesque search. Interesting, though a lot of it is absolutely
--- Adrian Tymes <wingcat at pacbell.net> wrote:
> --- Giu1i0 Pri5c0 <pgptag at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Wired: Hegland's project, Liquid Information, is
> > kinda like Wikipedia
> > meets hypertext.
> Hype alert: Wikipedia is hypertext.
> > In Hegland's web, all documents are
> > editable, and
> > every word is a potential hyperlink.
> Also true of Wikipedia, and of any wiki.
> Ignorance of the true nature of what one is improving
> on tends to give very poor results. Based purely on
> the above (but buffered by the below problems), I
> doubt this effort will produce much of use.
> > Hegland's idea is simple -- he plans to move beyond
> > the basic
> > hypertext linking of the web, and change every word
> > into a
> > "hyperword." Instead of one or two links in a
> > document, every single
> > word becomes a link.
> Ah, but link to what? Most words in Wikipedia are not
> linked because they have nowhere useful to link to.
> (One could possibly argue that, say, "a" could be
> linked to its dictionary definition, but this is such
> a trivial use that it may as well be omitted - anyone
> who really needs an online dictionary for it can have,
> say, www.dictionary.com up in a separate browser
> window. By omitting such trivial links, the links
> that remain gain more utility by flagging that these
> links have non-trivial meaning.)
> > Further, every link can point
> > to more than one
> > place, pulling up all kinds of background context
> > from the web as a
> > whole.
> User interface issue: how to specify which link of
> many one wishes to pursue when clicking on a link?
> It would seem necessary to click on the link, then do
> something else to specify the type, which is more
> complicated (in time, physical effort, and mental
> effort/decision making) than simply clicking on the
> link. Though they may find a way around that.
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Mike Lorrey
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