[extropy-chat] Soyuz Hubble Repair Mission
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 26 23:12:08 UTC 2005
--- Technotranscendence <neptune at superlink.net> wrote:
> > The Phillips OTV uses passive solar thermal
> > power to run a plasma engine.
> Has it been tested in space?
> Finally, my actual recommend is that NO repair or replacement mission
> is funded and that interested parties start looking to other
> alternatives,
> especially private space telescopes. This might increase interest in
> something like the SpaceDev ILO project and shift more focus to
> private space development.
It hasn't been in space yet (at least unclassified space), but has been
tested in vacuum chambers.
The added benefit of this project is that it provides the ISS with an
OTV which will also be useful for sending regular cargo missions to the
Moon for Bush's lunar program.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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