[extropy-chat] Call for contributions: "Intro to H+" book
Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc.
megao at sasktel.net
Sat Jan 29 16:26:30 UTC 2005
As in the days of cro-magnon and other human varients , different when
different phenotypes existed at the same time
similar is likely during transhuman evolution into posthumanity..
Different religeons have resulted in mass exterminations and wars and
the movie lore is full of
human massacres of non-humans we would be best advised not to simply
trot out in our posthumanity
and expect the masses of humanity to welcome their future.
So the illusion of conformity in body appearance either physically or by
hologram would be wise.
The subject of a strategy to promote peaceful co-existance between those
who refute human enhancement and those actively pursue its development
is useful even now.
Now, when transhumanism is most vulnerable to being suppressed it would
be wise to develop a proactive strategy.
Melding societal support functions into inate body parts to replace or
enhance clothes, temperature sensitivity, sound and light sensitivity
would lead to a much lower consumption per capita of energy resources
for simple human survival.
This in part is an answer to the energy shortfall problem and the
bioresource consumption spiral.
Diversion of societal resources into a new energy conservation
phenomenon, a low consumption human might be a
good sales feature of transhuman and posthuman technology development.
Diego Caleiro wrote:
> In a posthuman world, would we really need clothes?
>suppose that we keep antropomorphic, in this case, the religious beleifs of
>sin will have died out, and nobody would need to use clothes for this
>reason... the cold weather would affect us much less, since we could have
>heat controls in our body, no need for clothing.
>If we do not choose to be antropomorphic, as most people here say we won't,
>then we woul be able to change our shape faster then the fashion could create
>clothes for us....
>Diego (Log At)
>Em Sexta 28 Janeiro 2005 23:36, Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc. escreveu:
>>Given human past tendancies to exterminate those who have some
>>difference in outward appearance it would be best if a poshuman would be
>>like a camelion.... keep a relatively human appearance while in the
>>company of the old-style humans and transhumans in public and adopt a
>>more unique appearance in private.
>>Alternatively generate a hologram to customize outward appearances to
>>the percieved comfort level of the observer. Essentially clothes could
>>be replaced by a hologram to mask more functional body function and
>>body maintence suits.
>>Diego Caleiro wrote:
>>>That depends on what do you mean by posthumanism, if you were talking
>>>about what most people would choose to look like, in, say 500 years, then
>>>probably yes, there would be a difference between the human body and the
>>>post human.
>>>But the definition of posthuman is simply a matter of enhanced human, and
>>>it is possible to enhance yourself keeping your external appearence. As
>>>most tranhumanist would agree, each person should have his right to not
>>>change his appearence, if so he wishes.
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