[extropy-chat] so is America fascist yet?
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Sun Jan 30 09:40:26 UTC 2005
It sure as hell isn't preemptive war. Do you believe the US and thus
the citizens of the US, their fortunes, lives and those of their
children are owed to the suffering of every people on earth? Do you
further believe that the "cure" takes the form of preemptive strikes?
if not then what is the point of your question? Do you believe
endless war serves up maximum extropy?
On Jan 28, 2005, at 12:09 AM, Erik Starck wrote:
> On 2005-01-28 humania at t-online.de (Hubert Mania) wrote:
>> My point of view is: if anybody here on the list does explicitely
>> support
>> the politics of preemptive wars, no matter what the name of the
>> present us
>> president is, she or he can be no transhumanist, as I do understand
>> transhumanism. I am no extropian, I am no member of the wta, I am a
>> single
>> independent transhumanist with my very own measures of reason,
>> anarchy,
>> feelings, irrationalisms, anger and contempt towards anybody who
>> still
>> applauds any action of the bush administration after Abu Ghraib and
>> Falluja.
> Right now there is an ongoing genoicide in Sudan:
> http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/africa/01/27/sudan.us/
> famine under dictatorship in North Korea:
> http://www.wfp.org/country_brief/indexcountry.asp?country=408
> and civil war in disaster-struck Sri Lanka:
> http://www.ipsnews.net/africa/interna.asp?idnews=27174
> Just to name a few of the places where people of the world are being
> killed right now as we speak.
> What is your suggestion on how to help these people and stop the
> killing as soon as possible?
> Erik
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