[extropy-chat] whoever heard of a moderate terrorist?
c c
beb_cc at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 6 01:44:57 UTC 2005
Sure, before they can change their minds they are
blown up. Isn't that sweet, blowing those as young as
15 into bloody fragments in the name of Allah?
And they call terrorists extremists. Well, whoever
heard of a moderate terrorist:
"Hi, my name is Akbar, fly me to Iraq. I only
horribly maim people, rather than kill them, being
that I am a moderate terorist".
> The foreign militants are believed to come into the
> country for only a short time before they are sent
on a suicide
> operation [...] They are brought in, there is a lot
> indoctrination that is forced on them here and they
are moved very >rapidly into a mission to deliver the
bomb to commit suicide,'' the >official said.
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