[extropy-chat] Prelate: Catholicism incompatible with neo-Darwinism
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 7 21:35:38 UTC 2005
--- Brent Neal <brentn at freeshell.org> wrote:
> (7/7/05 9:17) Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
> >Amazing scenes: just when you think Christian dogmatists have
> realized it's
> >not safe to get in the ring with science, we learn that divinely
> directed
> >evolution is the truth, and Darwin plus genetics is just plain
> wrong:
> I recall that we had an argument about whether the Catholic church
> truly accepted evolutionary science about 18 months ago or so. I
> hope that the apologists for the Catholic Church here note this.
> In more amusing news, this puts the fundamentalists here in a fun
> position, since they widely consider the Catholic Church to be
> 'unChristian.' Maybe this will temper their support for 'intelligent
> design?' We could only be so lucky....
It wouldn't. Fundamentalists accuse the Church of being the house of
the Whore of Babylon, i.e. the representative of Satan on earth. Satan
and his reps may be unchristian, but they would still believe in the
validity of God and his design, of which they are a part...
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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