[extropy-chat] Nam
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 10 04:07:50 UTC 2005
This is entirely wrong. The US lost no battles whatsoever, despite
being hamstrung by stupid rules of engagement that caused the deaths of
thousands of American soldiers. How the US lost the Vietnam War was at
home in the US, where the Chinese and Vietnamese financed nationwide
anti-war protests that were organized by various socialist and
communist groups from the ACP to SDS, as documented in General Giap's
autobiography. In addition, our media was a propaganda front for the
North Vietnamese government, proven by the documented fact that the
Saigon bureau chief for Time magazine was a colonel in the NVA
intelligence service, as documented in his own biography and Vietnamese
government awards... We lost the war on the home front, and no place
In this, there is a similarity to today in that the international left,
particularly stalinist groups like WWP, which have engaged in an
entryist campaign since the 1980's to compromise other organizations,
is now the western propaganda front for the Baathists and al qaeda,
which of course the major media is paying absolutely no attention to,
when it should be THE story to cover.
--- c c <beb_cc at yahoo.com> wrote:
> For one thing, the country was very long and had, as
> is well known, much jungle to use as cover by the
> communists and their allies. I wager you that if Iraq
> had jungle cover we never would have invaded Iraq. The
> Soviets were determined to supply the communists.
> Vietnamese leftists felt they were cheated out of a
> fair election. Americans protested the war from 1962
> to 1973. LBJ was an asshole, Richard Nixon was an even
> bigger asshole. Other reasons, too. We could write a
> book....
> > Why did the US lose the Vietnam War?
> > Dirk
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Mike Lorrey
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