[extropy-chat] WWP
c c
beb_cc at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 10 17:48:56 UTC 2005
Maybe so but, anyway, WWP can't be trusted across the
street, they in no way can be considered democratic.
WWP doesn't want peace in the Mideast, they want
peoples' war all across the region, and most of WWP
are motivated by revenge. Interesting in the morbid
sense, they are strongly pro-gay rights but can you
imagine if they were to actually pull off their
hopeless Revolution:
"Comrade Lesbian Linda, we regret to inform you of
your dismissal from the Peoples' Vanguard Theatre
Company, and we so sorry to tell you are under arrest
as Party deviationist and saboteur".
No parody, they absolutely mean business, when the WWP
Grand Dragon of Art (who specialized in psychedelic Ho
Chi Minh wall posters) confided, "the other groups
think we are like Manson", he was trying to impart
something. Just glancing at their site it was apparent
they haven't changed in the 30 years since I saw them
close up.
> Well, better just ask the CIA who can be relied upon
> to provide truthful
> answers to all such question. NOT.
> Would these be the same records that smeared George
> Galloway?
> Your naivete is touching.
> --
> Dirk
> The Consensus:-
> The political party for the new millenium
> http://www.theconsensus.org
> --
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