[extropy-chat] tolerant?
c c
beb_cc at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 11 07:45:32 UTC 2005
Muslims in the US could be considered free, they can
travel freely, thay have first and second amendment
rights, they are relatively safe, and so forth; but
whether muslims in the US are tolerant remains to be
seen. It appears they will gradually become more
tolerant. But at this time they are not tolerant,
certainly they are not tolerant of swine. "on
Judgement Day", an Islamic informed me, "all pigs are
going to be killed-- they are unclean".
> The Muslims in the U.S. are just as
> Islamic
> >as the ones in the Middle East, they just happen to
> be
> >free and tolerant.
> I beg to differ.
> Most people, let alone Moslems, are not 'free and
> tolerant'.
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