[extropy-chat] Who thinks the Bush admin lied over Iraq? On what basis?
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Tue Jul 12 05:39:04 UTC 2005
On Jul 11, 2005, at 7:43 PM, Brett Paatsch wrote:
> I've only had time to dip into some ongoing threads but I notice
> that both Robert Lindauer and Dan Clemmensen have
> stated that they think that "we", meaning the US, or the Bush
> administration, (I'm not part of any of those "we") deliberately
> lied or misrepresented the reasons for invading Iraq.
> Whilst I do tend to that view, I am not utterly convinced of it
> yet. And yet it is an important fact, or otherwise, to establish or
> not surely?
What else would it take to convince you?
> One thing that I suspect most extropian or transhumanist list
> posters might agree on, is that the Iraq and terrorism business has
> grabbed a big chunk of the worlds attention. Attention that might
> have been directed far more profitably (to the net human good)
> elsewhere.
> I wonder on what basis those that are convinced of it, are
> so convinced? Please, give only opinions based on hard facts.
Sputter. If you are not awake enough to be convinced already then I
haven't the time or patience to spoon feed your apparently timid
mind. I would rather spend my energies preparing for and creating
the future we all claim to be interested in.
- s
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