[extropy-chat] Who thinks the Bush admin lied over Iraq? On what basis?

J. Andrew Rogers andrew at ceruleansystems.com
Tue Jul 12 17:12:40 UTC 2005

Robbie wrote:
[...aluminum foil recycled...]
> In sum, you can INSIST that this all adds up to conspiracy-theory 
> bullshit because obviously anyone who opposed or opposes the 
> administration's position in the matter is a 
> nutso-commie-conspiracy-theorist OR you could say "well, there 
> appears to be a significant amount of evidence that Bush really
> wanted to go to war and trumped up the reasons to do so."  But
> this wouldn't be a critical attitude but more of a dumb-ass
> attitude.  

You might want to check that Kool-Aid dribbling down your chin -- you
can't drink and rant at the same time.

> If you like
> this, I also sell land in southeast asia in my spare time.  It's
> normally valued at $50,000 but I could get it for you for $30,000
> cash.

This would be a good deal in most southeast asian countries, sight
unseen.  Even crappy dirt plots in the middle of nowhere in nasty
communist countries are currently fetching these kinds of prices.  US
real estate inflation is quite tepid by comparison.

j. andrew rogers

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