[extropy-chat] Who thinks the Bush admin lied overIraq? Onwhatbasis?
Brett Paatsch
bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au
Wed Jul 13 01:05:10 UTC 2005
Robert Lindauer wrote:
> Brett Paatsch wrote:
>>> Check:
>>> http://www.thetip.org/
>> I checked that there is a site there. I see that you own the domain name.
>> But where on the site is your evidence that Bush said we know there are
>> wmd's in Iraq.
> Sorry, I don't wipe asses for babies that aren't my own. I suggest a
> baby-sitting service or a nurse depending on how old you are.
>> The reason I ask again, is because that is what I wanted to know. I
>> don't
>> want to go fishing around on your site for what might be there to back up
>> your assertion or not. The point is that you need to be able to back up
>> your assertion to be able to be persuasive.
> Your point appears to be that I need to do your homework for you.
No that wasn't my point. My point was that to persuade me you have
to do the work of substantiating your specific claims. I am not going to
scramble around in something you've called thetip. There is a further point
that I didn't mention because I shouldn't have to. In speaking to you I
was evaluating you. Your style, your effectiveness, your potential as an
The questions that I ask I can usually answer for myself. But I have enough
personal political experience to know that that is not the point. The
information has to be able to get to the people that will decide on it in a
form that will faciliate the desired decision.
> But of course, anything I might say you'd want to see the sources for it,
> so there's thetip.org. Do enjoy yourself while investigating the matter
> for yourself with an open mind.
>>>> Do you know *when* he said it, in what context, can you provide a link
>>>> o a transcript or a mp3 file etc?
>>> As a matter of fact...
>> As a matter of fact what ?
> Do, check thetip.org.
No. It is irrelevant to me now. It's yours and I don't trust it.
>>>> What I am hoping you will see is that in a country of millions of
>>>> opinions there are very few that are taking the trouble to put their
>>>> opinions together in such a way that they might really have a chance
>>>> to persuade impartial people willing to make up their minds on the
>>>> facts.
>>> The notion "impartial people" is absurd, but, again, do try
>>> http://www.thetip.org/
>> The notion "impartial people" is no more absurd than that you or I or
>> any person might hope to get a jury judge our guilt or innocence
>> impartially if you or I or any person is ever charged with a criminal
>> offence.
> Yes, the notion of impartial person is absurd - ask any experienced
> lawyer.
>>>> I think there is very likely to be good grounds for impeaching
>>>> President George W Bush. But it is not going to happen even if there
>>>> are good grounds if those that would want it to happen do not get their
>>>> shit together enough to make a persuasive case when a persuasive case
>>>> is a case that would be able to convince an impartial but interested
>>>> person.
>>> Actually, it takes a majority vote in the Senate to get it to happen so
>>> it's absurd to even consider it given that the whole senate has sold its
>>> soul to that devil.
>> I'm not granting that given. Your off topic.
> You're not aware of how the impeachment process works?
>>> All us ordinary citizens can really do is complain loudly, I'm afraid,
>>> given that I'm unwilling to shoot anyone over it or blow anything up
>>> myself. (Hippy parents, haven't decided whether it's a character flaw
>>> or not.)
>> I am not a citizen of the United States.
> Then this is none of your freekin' business. Go away foreigner, go fix
> your own country.
I am posting from my own country. I am evaluating you from my home
>> Complaining loudly isn't bad. Complaining loudly and doing something
>> like having an internet site to communicate with already lifts you out
>> of the ranks of ordinary disinterested citizen. To have a web site with
>> political content make you an activist of sorts.
> You'd no doubt enjoy my saturday-afternoon peace parties :)
>> But then some nutters are probably activists too. I don't know whether
>> you are a nutter or not yet.
> By who's standards?
>I know lots of people who think I'm a nutter and lots of people who don't.
>I find that when I say I prefer JR Lucas to Roger Penrose people think I'm
>crazy, well, I just like Lucas better, what can I say?
When I am talking to you I am spending my time in doing so. When I am
judging whether it is worth while to continue to do so its is with my
>> Sometimes people acting together can be more effective than if they act
>> alone. There can be synergies between skill sets. Sometimes though
>> they can be worse.
> Well, if you're looking for a job, I could use the help. Perhaps someone
> to organize the site better for people who are extremely lazy and don't
> like having to actually use the search engine to find what they want?
> Know php?
I am not looking for a job. I was interested to see if you and I might
work together towards a common goal. I am no longer interested in
working with you. I think you would be a hindrance. If you come
across someone with an open mind you will not be able to talk to
them without insulting them.
>> You don't say what "he" was reading or where he was reading it so the
>> first question that comes to my mind isn't the one you want to pose, the
>> first question that comes to my mind is what *are* you actually talking
>> about.
> See www.thetip.org.
>>>> The question I am asking is: when to *your* knowledge did George W
>>>> Bush personally say to the American people that there *are* weapons
>>>> of mass destuction in Iraq, and can you prove it?
>>> Colin Powell said this to the UN, it's well documented.
>> I watched Colin Powell speak to the UN on television live. I don't doubt
>> that the full text and in all likelihood a video of the event is
>> available
>> somewhere. If you can point to it and it bears out your point then you'd
>> have shown that your archive is useful.
> Please take 5 seconds out of your day to inform yourself about these
> things that you think you have something sufficiently important to say to
> make it worth listening to you debate it publicly. See www.thetip.org for
> starters. Also, GW said it several times on the radio. Also nicely
> documented online at, you know where...
I no longer care whether you Robert Lindauer personally listen to me or
not. You have absolutely nothing I need and I cannot cooperate with you
without wasting my time.
>>> George Bush said in his state of the Union address that Iraq had sought
>>> Uranium in Niger quoting intelligence known by the British and Americans
>>> to be false (again, see www.thetip.org, a nice complete record with
>>> citations from the major news publications tracing back, oh, I dunno,
>>> just to the right time....).
>> I don't want to read your whole scrapbook. I shouldn't have to.
> Well, if you want to INFORM YOURSELF about a matter as important as this
> so that you'd have something useful to say about it, I suggest starting at
> thetip.org and then moving on to moveon.org and then just check the
> standard archives to make sure the references are valid.
>> Nor am I trying to make work for you or give you a hard time.
> Then look it up yourself. I OBVIOUSLY already did.
>> Only
>> some facts are likely to be relevant to making a case for impeachment
>> and the vast majority of stuff offered by people who just hate Bush is
>> likely to be gratuitous counterproductive noise.
>> However those facts that are relevant need to be able to be presented
>> to people to see for themselves.
> Yes, please see www.thetip.org. I agree this is a great goal.
>> Its good to have a site that pools useful info, but its not enough if
>> they
>> have to go searching through it and the site looks like an I-hate-Bush
>> site.
> If you're offering design help, send me your resume.
>>>> If you can then that would lead on to a second point: What evidence is
>>>> there that that statement was known to be untrue by him when he said
>>>> it.
>>> Both the CIA and British Intelligence from whom he would have to have
>>> gotten the intelligence knew it to be false and have, again, said so
>>> publicly. For a nice record of the matter, please see www.thetip.org :)
>> Where specifically on the site? I don't want to have to read the whole
>> thing.
> There's a nice search engine. And google has a nice feature where you can
> search within a site, it's really cool, it's kind of the modern way of
> researching news items quickly. I suggest starting there if you can't get
> the search engine on my site to work for you.
>>>> Prove the second (probably on the balance of probabilities would be
>>>> enough) and you've grounds for impeachment.
>>> Well, you can't prove that he's a not a complete imbecile, but then the
>>> point is either he knew or he should of known. I'm sure you've heard
>>> the statement before:
>>> "The Buck Stops Here"
>> Yes. Harry Truman.
> So you don't see how this applies today?
>>> It's meant to mean somewhere in the white house.
>>>> Its already clear that George W Bush took a presdiential oath under
>>>> the US Constitution to uphold the constitution.
>>> He took one to show up for duty in the air national guard too, it's not
>>> suprising that he can't keep this one either.
>> This isn't relevant to whether he lied over Iraq.
> It's relevant to whether or not he keeps his oaths, counselor.
>>> Um, except that the congress is controlled by republican drones and the
>>> media is controlled by the likes of Rupert Murdoch?
>> I don't know you well enough for you to make stupid sounding
>> statements like that and for me to give you the benefit of any
>> doubt.
> Well, is the congress controlled by republicans?
> Is the media controlled by the likes of Rupert Murdoch?
>>>>> Second, we KNOW that David Kelly was an active Iraq weapons
>>>>> inspector working for the UN and he said he KNEW they didn't have the
>>>>> weapons of the relevant kind, he "died mysteriously" for
>>>>> his say-so. But we do know that he said so.
>>>> "died mysteriously" is irrelevant.
>>> Not to anyone with a brain cell left you freekin' idiot.
>> 1) You are not attributing the quote *to* anybody.
> What quote? What are you ranting about now? I'm telling you that David
> Kelly died -mysteriously- and that an MI5 lawyer admitted that he was
> killed on the radio. This information is publicly available in many
> places including from the AP. If you want to have something relevant to
> say about it, look it up. Thankfully, you can start at thetip.org if
> you just don't have any idea about how to go about researching this
> matter. Next, try the guardian online, it has the best David Kelly news
> archive available online. You could also try writing to their editorial
> staff as well as to MI5 to ask them about the progress of their
> investigation. Although they have yet to answer my letter on the matter.
> Maybe you'll have better luck.
>> 2) Even if he did die mysteriously it is irrelevant you are just raising
>> a red herring issue.
> No, he was a whistle-blower who was actively involved on the ground in
> Iraq in UN weapons inspections who pointed out that there weren't any such
> things going on there.
>> 3) Calling me a freekin' idiot doesn't actually insult me, you don't
>> know me, it just makes me doubt you. The first time I see a link
>> from you is to your own site and you call me a freekin idiot in the
>> same post.
> I -genuinely- don't care what you think about me. I mean what kind of
> person asks for links when the internet is FULL of links. It's freekin'
> link christmas out there. Here a link, there a link, everywhere a link,
> link.
>>>> If what Kelly says is relevant to what Bush believed then you have
>>>> to establish that connection with evidence. The clearer, the more
>>>> concisely the case is put together then more likely it is to succeed,
>>>> the more likely it is to be persuasive.
>>> Please see "http://www.thetip.org" and of course the rather nice record
>>> of the incident in the guardian, still available online.
>> Is that incident relevant to the question if whether Bush lied over Iraq?
> Yes. Read the sources, educate yourself.
>>>>> Third, we KNOW that the American CIA had briefed the president and had
>>>>> said they'd found no such evidence.
>>>> How do *you* know? If you know then you will be able to tell me when
>>>> they did it?
>>> Of course, please see http://www.thetip.org/.
>> No. Not I am not going to your bloody site again until you show me that
>> you can find stuff in it yourself.
> I have no need to PROVE that I can find things in the site that I MADE.
> I've enjoyed debating wacko-s over time on the internet. You're not a
> very good wacko though. My favorite wacko isn't available for public
> debate any more.
>>> I didn't spend several years collecting these stories in one place for
>>> no good reason :)
>> Why did you do it I wonder? So that if you meet someone who might
>> agree with you you could piss them off and try to insult them?
> No, so that if someone with an open mind wanted to know what the details
> of these and other matters were, they could find the record there online
> quickly and easily. Although recently I've decided that the ideological
> problem is more severe than the information problem. People KNOW that
> Bush is a war-mongering liar or they know that if they managed to look
> into the matter objectively they'd become convinced of it, they're just
> okay with it. That's the problem I'd like to address now. It appears to
> be your problem. I once debated a "radio evangelist" about whether or not
> it was useful to ridicule homosexuals into becoming Christians (I didn't
> think so, he did.) I am now testing the theory in an area with which I am
> familiar, seeing if ridiculing the populace of dumbfuckistan helps them in
> their quest for truth, justice and peace.
>> I'd have thought that you would have wanted to communicate. Get this.
>> I don't want to read every bit of trivia you thought might be relevent at
>> the time you collected it. Your collection is your collection. I am only
>> interested in it in so far as you vouch for its accuracy and relevance
>> in relation to specific questions.
> Well, you know, sometimes when you're researching a matter that's
> important to you, you've got to actually DO a little research for
> yourself. Normally this is a skill they teach in American High Schools
> (although it's a little sketchy in some places). It's certainly something
> you -should- have learned in college no matter which country you're from.
>> If you establish some credibility and trust then that would be different
>> but you haven't. Not with me.
> Actually, you're not the target, here, you're just a foil. I've enjoyed
> our conversation :)
>>>>> Fourth, we know that in fact Iraq didn't attempt to acquire any
>>>>> nuclear material in Niger, Bush blatantly lied to the public in the
>>>>> matter.
>>>> Again, can you prove, to an impartial person, that Bush lied (not that
>>>> he was
>>>> not just mistaken or deceived) on that matter using evidence?
>>> Sure, obviously you're not one, but in general any impartial person I
>>> speak to is easily convinced of the matter.
>> Again with the insults. What do you think it gains you? All you are
>> doing is distracting me from the points you should be eager to make.
> Which I've made over and over for years, as have many other people more
> "respectable" than me. At this point, in general, I'm convinced that if
> someone WANTED to know, they'd have been able to find out for themselves
> in many, many ways.
>>> Only the occasional imbecile or bloodthirsty codswallop can't manage to
>>> see past their own bile.
>>>>> Both the British and Americans knew that the intelligence on the
>>>>> matter was flatly false.
>>>>> Fifth we know that the the British understood Bush's war effort as a
>>>>> trumped-up case from the Downing Street Memo and Downing Street
>>>>> Minutes the sources of which are not in question.
>>>> I reckon if I had a parrot he'd be able to say "Downing Street Memo" by
>>>> now. So what? What is it about the Downing Steet Memo that is important
>>>> in your view? What if anything do the Downing Street Minutes prove to
>>>> am
>>>> impartial person?
>>> Well, if you'd read them, perhaps you'd find out.
>> I'm pretty sure I have already read them. The only reason I am not sure
>> is that
>> nothing I read had the weight that the hype about them suggested. So
>> perhaps
>> there is something, some memo I missed.
> No doubt. But you never know until you know, do you. It's sad living in
> the dark like that, huh?
>>> Again, you can find them on www.thetip.org. I just LOVE that site!
>> I can tell. I don't share you enthusiasm for it.
> Now THAT's suprising! If you have design or topical input to make, you
> can become a member and be on our email list, and if you have editorial
> you'd like to share with the world and if it's well-researched, moderately
> well-written and substantiated, I'll even put it on the site.
>>>>> Sixth, we know that some of the President's and Vice President's very
>>>>> close friends are mysteriously making quite a lot of money in this
>>>>> effort, in particular Haliburton and Carlyle (through UDI) are doing
>>>>> well..
>>>> "mysteriously". Bollocks.
>>> Quite right. No mystery.
>> I meant that it is bollocks to try and use irony when you are asked for
>> facts.
> Are you unaware of how Haliburton is just RAKING IN THE DOUGH over there?
> Or how UDI's orders are just UP-UP-UP? Well, you should check out
> thetip.org!
>>>> If you think that there is no-one that will make up their minds on the
>>>> facts
>>>> then you have already lost.
>>> Losing is sometimes winning. Have faith my young apprentice.
>> I am not your apprentice.
> I know. You've turned to the dark side. "From my point of view, you're
> the evil one." etc.
>>>> Nothing is more likely to further empower a scoundrel President (and I
>>>> am not saying that Bush is a scoundrel President that would turn on the
>>>> facts) then a populace and an opposition that hasn't got a clue about
>>>> how to bring him to account.
>>> Agreed. The only thing to do would be to start a grass-roots
>>> large-scale impeachment effort and show the republicans and democrats
>>> alike that we're absolutely sick of this administration and it's lies
>>> and then make sure that they don't get elected and in order to do so
>>> we'll have to revamp the way people get and accept news because the
>>> major news services in the United States are uninterested in this story.
>>> We'd have to make something internetty actually work. If it's
>>> impossible at least we can have said we'd tried and we didn't blow
>>> anything up.
>>> Start here:
>>> http://www.thetip.org/impeach.php
>>> It's not much but you'd be suprised :)
>> I started with the bloody question I asked you.
> And you didn't like my answers. You wanted references. Thankfully, I've
> compiled a near encyclopedic source of references on specifically this
> matter for the last few years which is available for your perusal
> online -oh so convenient-. Now that you've got your references you're
> refusing to do the work of actually READING THEM. This is typical of
> today's willful ignorance of the attrocities committed daily by the US in
> Iraq and Afghanistan.
>> Robbie Lindauer
>>> www.thetip.org (shameless plug #40, but he asked for it)
>> I asked you a specific question. Rather than answer it, you decided
>> to piss in my ear. Ironically, you *may* have been able to answer it.
>> It would have saved us both a lot of time if you had just done so.
> I have answered this question so many times, I'm tired of talking to
> people straight about it. If you ACTUALLY want to find out, you can, it's
> neatly prepared for you and you know where. It's telling that you don't
> actually want to do this work for yourself. If, however, you decide you
> DO want to do the work and DO actually want to have something interesting
> to contribute to this debate, you can start, thankfully, at thetip.org
> which in addition to concentrating on specifically these (and closely
> related) issues over the last few years manages to have them nicely
> categorized for easy research and reference.
> Robbie Lindauer
I'm done with you.
Brett Paatsch
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