[extropy-chat] Who thinks the Bush admin lied over Iraq? On whatbasis?
Jeff Davis
jrd1415 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 07:30:44 UTC 2005
--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> I think there is very likely to be good grounds for
> impeaching President
> George W Bush. But it is not going to happen even if
> there are good
> grounds if those that would want it to happen do not
> get their shit together
> enough to make a persuasive case when a persuasive
> case is a case that
> would be able to convince an impartial but
> interested person.
Many people, I think, have a misconception about
impeachment. Because it bears some similarity to a
legal proceeding, that is a trial, some folks may
think of it as such. But that's not the case. In a
trial the facts are considered, and the judge or jury
is obliged by tradition, duty, and/or legal
requirement to decide the case based on those facts.
An impeachment however is far more likely to be
decided --the facts notwithstanding--on the basis of
purely political considerations, that is, on the basis
of pure partisanship. If one party owns the house,
the senate, the judiciary, a majority of the states,
and a majority of the people, then the president, as
long as he is a member of that party, is safe, no
matter how damning the evidence.
Jeff Davis
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