[extropy-chat] Authenticity, extropy, libertarianism, and history
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 19:08:16 UTC 2005
--- "nvitamore at austin.rr.com" <nvitamore at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> Mike wrote:
> >And, no, extropy can't be transpolitical, as the principles clearly
> >exclude political memes that conflict with them, such as those
> >opposing technological progress and self determination of
> > individuals, promoting ignorance and superstition, etc.
> Interesting point. Let's discuss.
> What does transpolitical mean to you?
"Transpolitical" means several things to me. Firstly, it implys that
one who is transpolitical sees all political positions as equally
valid. In this way, the stance clearly conflicts with value judgements
that the Principles mandate about certain political policies and
The term might also mean the individual feels that they are beyond
politics, which is a pollyannish fantasy. Politics is a science/art of
human interaction. Only a sociopath can be 'transpolitical' in this
sense. The self described transpolitical individual may state that
they, or their ideas, are beyond current day politics, and this may be
so, but it is ignoring the fact that it is the politics of today that
make tomorrow what it will be. In this sense, an extropian cannot
afford to be transpolitical, but even if they do, they cannot
realistically claim that the politics of tommorrow will be unimportant
to them.
In this sense, my prior post describing a new political landscape with
centralization and technological progress as the axes, clearly
describes the political landscape of tomorrow (and to those of us
debating this same subject in past years, today IS tomorrow).
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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