[extropy-chat] Who thinks the Bush admin lied over Iraq? Onwhatbasis?

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 13 21:59:11 UTC 2005

--- Robert Lindauer <robgobblin at aol.com> wrote:

> Bret Kulakovich wrote:
> >
> > Also, the 'small' qualifier modifying 'arsenal' is a bit personal -
> > what constitutes small? He factually killed over 8,000 people
> (names  
> > were recorded, remains identified, etc.) in one attack alone. Is
> that  
> > amount of chemical weapons a small amount, or is 10x that a small  
> > amount? or 10%? See what I mean?
> Of course, but this is all OLD NEWS - our (cia) operatives were
> helping 
> them gas the kurds so they could concentrate on killing Iranians for 
> us.  We can't blame Saddam for doing things that we paid him to do.

Robbie, it is interesting how you start at fact A and hyperspace jump
to outrageous claim Z without a bit of supporting evidence.

a) our operatives were assisting in gassing the Kurds, and
b) we paid Saddam to do it and to let us help.

The sort of reality one lives in to believe these sorts of things is
pretty far out there.
> Let's not play games.  My point is that we could grant that he
> after the 10-year inspection regime to have a small (apparently 
> invisible*) arsenal of hidden weapons that the weapons inspectors of
> the UN were unable to detect either before or after they were ejected
> (and returned) 

Actually the UN inspectors during the last return inspections found
over a dozen chemical warheads hidden in a concrete foundation slab,
and at least 20 of a whole new model of ballistic missile that nobody
even knew he had, which exceeded UN range limitations by significantly
more than a few miles, even with a full payload. After the invasion,
coalition forces found several trucks which were clearly set up to
process chemical and biological weaponry on the road, and had recently
been scrubbed clean.

> AND still be pissed at Bush for lying to us since he obviously 
> didn't KNOW that Saddam did despite what they (Bush and Powell and 
> Cheney and Rumsfeld) said. 

Look, claiming Bush lied is clearly BS. Everyone was convinced Saddam
had WMD, and not just based on CIA intel that was faulty. The UN,
Britain, France, Russia, etc. they all knew he had them. Moreover,
there were clearly radio transmissions from the Bagdad area prior to
the invasion that detailed some sort of loading or unloading of
chemical or biological weaponry. Given the sat photos of convoys
heading to Syria prior to the invasion, and Saddam's history of hiding
his weapons in neighboring countries (he sent his Migs in the first
gulf war to hide in Iran), we won't know for sure that Saddam didn't
have them unless we invade Syria as well.

The rest of the world "knew" Saddam had WMD just as Bush did, they just
didn't care, Saddam's money was worth more to them.

I wouldn't be surprised if France talked Saddam into hiding his WMD in
Syria in order to embarrass Bush, figuring he was dumb enough to pull
such a trick on. The fact that France signed a treaty with Syria
several months ago giving Syria the right to keep all WMD it currently
posesses is pretty revealing.

> We can also fault them/him for making a 
> very, very bad decision in starting a war with someone who had such
> an 
> arsenal and was capable of disseminating to other even less stable 
> elements (as is the current top republican theory) and with not
> apparent exit plan other than that the Iraqi's will welcome us.

This is ludicrous. You can't have your cake and eat it too. MAD still
applies. Saddam knew using them against our troops would essentially
give the US carte blanche to use its own WMD. Our troops are there to
take such risks, and are equipped with NBC suits and other equipment to
deal with WMD attacks.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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