[extropy-chat] Dark matter and ET
Dan Clemmensen
dgc at cox.net
Fri Jul 15 00:22:48 UTC 2005
There are many fundamental questions to which we currently have no
scientific answers.
Two of the biggies:
1) Dark matter: We have not been able to detect by other means enough
to account for all of the gravitational effect we see in the cosmos.
2) The Fermi Paradox: Why have we not detected signs of other
intelligent life in
the cosmos?
Perhaps these questions answer each other. Dyson spheres have been
considered and rejected,
but Dyson spheres are not the only (or even most likely) end result of
the evolution of
intelligence. For example, most SI might evolve to efficient
computronium. What is
efficient computronium, and what is its emission signature? If it is
difficult to detect, it may
comprise the missing mass.
def: computronium: matter organized to optimize computing capacity.
def: efficient computronium: computronium organized to optimize
computations per Joule.
Does anyone have references to prior speculation on this topic?
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