[extropy-chat] Dark matter and ET
Lifespan Pharma Inc.
megao at sasktel.net
Fri Jul 15 03:36:02 UTC 2005
Perhaps the universe we see is a zoo or conservation/ecological
preserve to enshrine the past and remind
an ancient cosmological civilization of its roots???
Robin Hanson wrote:
> At 08:22 PM 7/14/2005, Dan Clemmensen wrote:
>> 1) Dark matter: We have not been able to detect by other means
>> enough matter
>> to account for all of the gravitational effect we see in the cosmos.
>> 2) The Fermi Paradox: Why have we not detected signs of other
>> intelligent life in
>> the cosmos?
>> Perhaps these questions answer each other. ... most SI might evolve
>> to efficient computronium. What is efficient computronium, and what
>> is its emission signature? If it is difficult to detect, it may
>> comprise the missing mass.
>> def: computronium: matter organized to optimize computing capacity.
>> def: efficient computronium: computronium organized to optimize
>> computations per Joule.
>> Does anyone have references to prior speculation on this topic?
> Robert Bradbury has posted on this topic many times on this list over
> the years. I've often played the role of critic in responding to
> him. It is a subtle question what exactly the goals of alien
> civilizations would be, and different goals lead to different
> computational priorities. Also, there is the question of why such
> aliens are not trying to make use of all the stuff that we do see.
> Robin Hanson rhanson at gmu.edu http://hanson.gmu.edu
> Associate Professor of Economics, George Mason University
> MSN 1D3, Carow Hall, Fairfax VA 22030-4444
> 703-993-2326 FAX: 703-993-2323
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