[extropy-chat] Dark matter and ET

Alfio Puglisi puglisi at arcetri.astro.it
Sun Jul 17 10:04:40 UTC 2005

On Sat, 16 Jul 2005, The Avantguardian wrote:

>Well, I am not sure what the the theoretical or real
>limits on Moore's Law might be but it will take a long
>time to catch up to biology. As far as I, as a
>biologist, am concerned, DNA IS computronium at a
>staggering information capacity/density of 340
>exa-bytes (EB = 10^18 bytes) per cubic centimeter.
>Just add water. :)

Does this figure only takes into account the DNA molecule, or all the
supporting proteins around as well? The minimum unit would be something
like a small cell, or maybe a nucleus.


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