[extropy-chat] be patient with me, please

Jeff Davis jrd1415 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 17 19:23:54 UTC 2005

--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:

> There are apparently multiple Peter Brookses. Google
> and 
> you'll see what I mean.  
> So peace and patience, to all Peter Brookses, and
> those that
> luv their furtive, reticent 'souls'. 
> Brett 

My guess would be the Mssr. Brooks, having taken the
step of subscribing to the list, was performing a test
of his posting functionality.  

Notwithstanding his putative mysteriousness and
reticence, would it be possible to use some of the
information in the "full" email header to determine
which of the various Peter Brooks we may have the
honor of engaging?
Best, Jeff Davis

   "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                           Ray Charles

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