[extropy-chat] Wikipedia entry on the Proactionary Principle
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 18 03:51:47 UTC 2005
The Doctrine of Pre-emption can be succinctly phrased
as "Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you." This
still leaves much room for honorable conduct. One can
just as easily pre-empt someone with kindness as a
"shock and awe" missile attack. We could have
airdropped food, pornographic pictures, and arabic
translations of John Locke's "Rights of Man" on them
and had gotten just as much chaos for a whole lot
cheaper in money and lives.
--- Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:
> It is clear that the precautionary principle is
> pre-emptive in
> practice. Odd that those who support it tend to
> oppose pre-emptive
> action in other issues....
> --- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> > How does the proactionary principle stand in
> relation to the
> > doctrine of pre-emption I wonder? Ying and Yang?
> Jeckle
> > and Hyde?
> >
> > We know where we can find the proactionary
> principle
> > described, but where oh where has the definitive
> > articulation of the doctrine of pre-emption gone?
> >
> > Be interesting to see the principle and the
> doctrine compared
> > and contrasted.
> >
> > Brett Paatsch>
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> Mike Lorrey
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The Avantguardian
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