[extropy-chat] Gay marriage in Spain, a world of change
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 16:13:27 UTC 2005
Comment: Viva Zapatero!
The church has branded the law, a pet project of Socialist Prime Minister
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, as an unprecedented threat to Christian
civilization [!!!].
Concord Monitor<http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050719/REPOSITORY/507190316/1037/NEWS04>:
Although numerous countries today recognize some form of same-sex
partnership, the Spanish law goes beyond most because it eliminates all
legal distinction between heterosexual and homosexual marriages. A gay
married couple has all the same rights as a straight married couple,
including the right to adopt children. A similar law exists in the
Netherlands, and one is pending in Canada.
Zapatero says the law will help transform Spain into a new and "decent
society."His agenda also includes plans to liberalize divorce, abortion and
stem-cell research. But the church is incensed, saying the very definition
of family is being destroyed.
Some of the opponents of gay marriage said they don't mind legislation
recognizing civil unions for homosexuals. They draw the line, however, at
giving it a status equivalent to the marriage of man and woman.
The issue has roiled debate in a number of countries, including the United
States. The Bush administration is promising to fight the kind of same-sex
unions that a number of jurisdictions have enacted.
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