[extropy-chat] The Annunaki, The Face on Mars, and the references to them both in the Bible.
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 19 17:03:04 UTC 2005
--- david stiger <stiger420 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello fellow extropians. This is my first time posting on the list
> and I would like to introduce myself. My name is David Stiger and I
> am a student in the Saint Louis University department of
> International Business in
> Madrid, Spain. My post is more or a question than a statement, but
> it is something that I have been semi-obsessing about for the past
> year or so.
> First of all, what do you all think about the possibility that
> humanity was actually created by a superior race referred to by the
> Sumerians as the Annunaki?
Superior to what? How? How is their creation myth any different from
the creation myths of men being fashioned by the gods? Take the
Mahabharata, which describes the flying chariots of the Indian gods
quite well, and where they came from. There are also the Dogon people
of Africa who can identify the very star their gods came from.
The Sumerian creation mythology leaves a lot to be desired, but also
some info that could only have been known by a species aware of early
solar system history. For example, one Sumerian creation story says
that the Earth was created by the collision of two worlds, which jives
with current theory that the early Earth was struck by a planetesimal,
which stripped off much of Earths crust and flung it into orbit, which
eventually accreted to form the Moon. This event happened some 3.3
billion years ago, long before any intelligent species could have
evolved here.
However, as Stephenson quoted a certain researcher in his novel Snow
Crash, much sumerian mythology is incomprehensible or resembles the
imaginings of a febrile two year old.
> Secondly, why doesn't a discovery as seemingly important as the
> Cydonia region of Mars get more attention from NASA?
It did get closer attention, at higher resolution, and was found to be
just another clump of hills. Attention then shifted for the same reason
that scientists don't regard New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain a
sign from an alien race or ancient civilization. "The Face" only looks
like one from a certain angle and certain shadows, it is an artifact of
geology and not a sculpture.
So now answer my question: since the info about the higher resolution
photos has been out there for a few years now, they've been rigorously
ignored or denied by Face cult adherents. Why?
> Why does there seem to be an unmistakeable connection with the
> Freemasons and the origins of Civilization as we know it?
There isn't except as a fantasy in the minds of certain people.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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