[extropy-chat] Re: Cydonia region of Mars.
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 20 04:36:01 UTC 2005
--- david stiger <stiger420 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>Secondly, why doesn't a discovery as seemingly important as the
> >>Cydonia region of Mars get more attention from NASA?
> >It did get closer attention, at higher resolution, and was found to
> >be just another clump of hills. Attention then shifted for the same
> >reason
> >that scientists don't regard New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain
> >a sign from an alien race or ancient civilization. "The Face" only
> >looks
> >like one from a certain angle and certain shadows, it is an artifact
> >of geology and not a sculpture.
> >So now answer my question: since the info about the higher
> >photos has been out there for a few years now, they've been
> >rigorously ignored or denied by Face cult adherents. Why?
> Actually I was referring to the fact that the Cydonia region shares
> some very precise geometrical features with Washington DC and the
> that this region seems to sit right on an area that would have been
> just above the primitive "sea-level" making it a perfectly plausible
> region for ancient civilizations to inhabit.
The problem is that most of the DC sites of importance have no
corresponding monuments at Cydonia, specifically the Washington,
Jefferson, and Lincoln memorials, the Supreme Council HQ, or the five
corners of the pentagram, yet claims "The Washington D.C./Arlington,
Virginia area is an exact geometric duplicate of Cydonia!", so it is
clear that the nutter with this site is reaching and trying to fit the
picture into his prejudices and paranoid delusions.
Any time I hear someone going on about freemasons wrt anything but
actual documented history, I take a grain of salt, and reach for the
holy water and silver bullets. Masonry conspiracy nutters are mental
vampires. There is so much bogosity in the field that it is impossible
to avoid the insanity when dealing with it.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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