[extropy-chat] Dark matter and ET

scerir scerir at libero.it
Wed Jul 20 21:33:29 UTC 2005

From: "Emlyn"

> [...] and the second order infinity makes it
> more appealing to stay home [...]

Imagine Alphastar and Betastar as entangled systems.

It is possible to write, following Shannon,
and von Neumann, that S(A|B) = S(AB) - S(B),
meaning that the conditional entropy S(A|B), 
or - in different terms - the remaining 
uncertainty S(A|B) about the state of the system A 
when the state of the system B is known, equals 
the uncertainty S(AB) of the joint state of both 
systems, minus the uncertainty S(B) of the state 
of the system B.

For quantum entangled systems, the conditional 
entropy S(A|B), or the remaining uncertainty S(A|B), 
can be *negative*, since it can be S(B) > S(AB). 

Now, interpreting the above - and specifically that
S(A|B) can be *negative* - in terms of flux of
informations, it follows (perhaps) that ...

1- Alphastar and Betastar (entangled) have the 
potential to transfer, in the future, between them, 
an additional amount of quantum informations,  
at no cost [Horodecki];
2- Between Alphastar and Betastar (entangled) there 
are quantum informations traveling backwards in time, 
in other words 'negative qubits', [Shumacher, Bennett 
and Wiesner, Adami and Cerf];
3- All the above is wrong, or not even wrong, but 
a cosmic mega-entanglement is still possible (as 
Wheeler thought) and, in any case, reality is not 

So, 'stay at home' makes some sense, under specific,
speculative assumptions (i.e. number 2- above?).  

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