[extropy-chat] Gay marriage in Spain, a world of change
Gina Miller
nanogirl at halcyon.com
Wed Jul 20 23:39:20 UTC 2005
Define NORMAL!
>I live in Madrid, Spain so this post obviously hits close to home.
>Personally, I can live with civil unions between homosexuals. I accept the
>fact that society is beginning to view homosexuality with a degree of
>normalicy that would have nauseated our forefathers. Myself, I have gay
>friends and treat them no differently than any of my other friends. Hell I
>even go down to Chueca (Madrid's gay district, what an insane place) to
>party from time to time. However, I do not believe that gay unions should
>be made equal to the union between a man and woman; the only kind of union
>which makes sense in the eyes of nature, and even God for that matter
>(though that matters little to me, being non-religious). To put gay
>marriages on the same level as heterosexual marriages is to declare that
>our society views homosexuality as being as normal as heterosexuality,
>which makes no sense in the natural order of mankind or all other animals.
>To say that it has existed for thousands of years doesn't validate it
>either. I'm sure dendrophelia has also existed for many years, but does
>that mean we should allow a man and a tree to marry? I hasten to admit that
>my example is extreme, but everyone has become so wrapped up in their
>politically correctness to admit the obvious: Homosexuality is not NORMAL.
>That doesn't mean it is evil or terrible or anything of the sort. It is
>simply not normal. And to pass laws making it so seems to me to be a step
>in the wrong direction.
> Perhaps I am being harsh, but I think people need to step back and
> reevaluate the situation.
> -Evan
> "The trouble with normal is that it only gets worse." -Bruce Cockburn
> -------------------Original Message-----------------------------
> Comment: Viva Zapatero!
> Civilrights.org<http://www.civilrights.org/issues/glbt/details.cfm?id=33631>:
> The church has branded the law, a pet project of Socialist Prime Minister
> Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, as an unprecedented threat to Christian
> civilization [!!!].
> Concord
> Monitor<http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050719/REPOSITORY/507190316/1037/NEWS04>:
> Although numerous countries today recognize some form of same-sex
> partnership, the Spanish law goes beyond most because it eliminates all
> legal distinction between heterosexual and homosexual marriages. A gay
> married couple has all the same rights as a straight married couple,
> including the right to adopt children. A similar law exists in the
> Netherlands, and one is pending in Canada.
> Zapatero says the law will help transform Spain into a new and "decent
> society."His agenda also includes plans to liberalize divorce, abortion
> and
> stem-cell research. But the church is incensed, saying the very definition
> of family is being destroyed.
> Some of the opponents of gay marriage said they don't mind legislation
> recognizing civil unions for homosexuals. They draw the line, however, at
> giving it a status equivalent to the marriage of man and woman.
> The issue has roiled debate in a number of countries, including the United
> States. The Bush administration is promising to fight the kind of same-sex
> unions that a number of jurisdictions have enacted.
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