[extropy-chat] Gay marriage in Spain, a world of change
Harvey Newstrom
mail at harveynewstrom.com
Thu Jul 21 11:30:26 UTC 2005
On Jul 20, 2005, at 11:08 PM, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Quite a number of these things can be contracted, Harvey. You are being
> disengenuous in claiming otherwise.
Please point them out, Mike. Many gay couples would seriously be
interested. I know of no way that a gay couple can contract for any of
these items between themselves. Even if they did, the contracts are
not enforceable. Third parties can and do deny these benefits on the
basis that the partners are not legally married. Any contract between
the couple is unenforceable and can be disallowed by a third party
despite the couple's wishes. If you know of any way to force any of
these items to occur just because the gay couple wants it, please
explain how.
> --- Harvey Newstrom <mail at harveynewstrom.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 20, 2005, at 5:07 PM, Mike Lorrey wrote:
>>> as I've stated multiple times in the past:
>>> there is only ONE THING that gays will gain with marriage licensing
>>> that they can't replicate with regular contract law, and that is
>> the
>>> heritability of social security benefits.
>> And Medicare.
>> And joint tax returns.
>> And not being taxed on benefits employers might give to a partner
>> (such
>> that gay workers pay more taxes than a non-gay worker in the same job
>> at the same pay with the same benefits).
>> And adoption of their partner's children.
>> And coverage on partner's medical insurance.
>> And buying life insurance for a partner (since most insurance
>> companies
>> claim there is no insurable interest in the partner).
>> And buying joint insurance for medical, homes, autos, etc. (since
>> most
>> insurance companies claim there is no insurable interest in the
>> partner's property).
>> And citizenship for their partner.
>> And making medical decisions for an incapacitated partner.
>> And making funeral arrangements for a deceased partner.
>> And seeking wrongful death compensation for a killed partner.
>> And inheriting their partner's property without a will.
>> And not paying hefty gift taxes when inheriting their partner's
>> property with a will.
>> And giving their partner equal ownership in joint property.
>> And taking leave for a sick or deceased partner.
>> And renting cars together at the same price heterosexual married
>> couples can rent the same car.
>> And having partners not forced to testify against one in a court of
>> law
>> (spousal privilege).
>> And over a thousand other things that just can't be contracted
>> between
>> a gay couple....
>> --
>> Harvey Newstrom <HarveyNewstrom.com>
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> Mike Lorrey
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