[extropy-chat] Gay marriage in Spain, a world of change
Amara Graps
amara at amara.com
Thu Jul 21 12:57:57 UTC 2005
Evan Hamlin:
>(barring test tube
> babies, but is that the kind of parentage we want future generations
> of children to have?).
YES, among all of the possible choices.
This is the extropians email list. That is, a list of people working
to improve themselves in every way, which includes broadening the
choices of men, women and families for their future and for having
their offspring. Are you sure you are in the right place ?
I do not have the typing fingers to type my furious response to your
words, nor to probe what exactly are your biases that caused you to
write the above draconian words, which were, in fact, already
printed on the brochure that arrived in my mailbox two months ago
from the Vatican (the so-called 'Committee of Science and Life')
that urged Italians not to vote on the assisted reproductive
assistance laws.
So I will keep this short: The idea of 'parentage' is to give care,
support, guidance, and love to a baby, child, young person, and/or
teenager. Do you really care how that life came to be in this world
and does it matter what person, persons, or combination of persons
give the [support,guidance, and love],
*as long as the child gets [support,guidance, and love]* ??
Amara Graps, PhD email: amara at amara.com
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