[extropy-chat] Gay marriage in Spain, a world of change
Evan Hamlin
hamlin_e at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 21 15:21:29 UTC 2005
Hey all,
What a response, man I love seeing you guys get fired up about something.
Maybe I'll just play devil's advocate from now on to get those kinds of
reactions. Just kidding.
The thing about the viruses I took from a previous post, I assume he has the
scientific backing for it:
At 06:50 PM 7/20/2005 -0400, David Lubkin wrote:
>There is an unpopular hypothesis that homosexuality is a side effect of a
>viral infection. It is not inherently implausible, given what we're
>learning about the interrelationships between neurochemistry and behavior.
>It would be difficult, however, to conclusively confirm or rebut.
Amara's argument is the one argument to which I have no answer... In a way I
somewhat agree that parentage is parentage so long as it has those
aforementioned elements (support,guidance, and love) are present, but at the
same time I have a hard time in knowing that homosexual parents are bound to
produce kids more inclined to homosexuality; vicious cycle continues. But I
suppose that is a narrowminded way of seeing it. If a life needs nurturing,
so be it.
What I'm saying is more in regards to the actual legal aspect of it. In my
opinion, homosexuality shouldn't be incentivized. The way the (legal)
institution of marriage is set up, it isn't so much rights as benefits;
incentives promoting the creation of heterosexual families, as I said
earlier. To not give homosexuals the benefits of a heterosexual union isn't
really to deny them any rights, simply to deny them benefits. Except in the
case of adopting children I suppose, following the logic of the previous
All of you have provided very good arguments, despite the sporatic off-topic
rant here and there. I guess inside I feel that homosexuality should be
treated not as a new race of people, all of us running with open arms to
give them equal rights, but as the biological anomaly that it is. It just
seems strange to me how normal it has become.
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