[extropy-chat] Gay marriage in Spain, a world of change
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 23 00:45:43 UTC 2005
--- Joseph Bloch <jbloch at humanenhancement.com> wrote:
> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> > OK, Mike. You are totally right. Quite a number of these items
> can
> > be contracted via a business partnership (like an S-corp). I
> totally
> > forgot about that possibility, even though I am currently in an
> > S-corp. This certainly does create a legal partnership between the
> > members that given them rights or privileges in relationship to
> each
> > other.
> Now THAT's how I spell romance:
Snip a very funny oath of marriage....
Romance has never been the legal basis of marriage in any jurisdiction
I am aware of. Marriage is the transfer of property out of a
partnership and/or sole proprietorships into a new partnership or sole
proprietorship (depending on the legal status of women in a particular
jurisdiction). Under common law jurisdictions, historically, it has
been the transfer of ownership of a dowry and a womb from a womans
father to her groom, although this has evolved to be a more equitable
partnership transfer over time as women gained civil and other rights
to equality with men.
However, being a form of property transfer and partnership contract, it
is a private contract, requiring no licensing (as the Hart case states
"the power of the individual to contract is unlimited".)
Romance as the basis of marriage is a fictional construct of the modern
publishing industry.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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