[extropy-chat] Why I am No Longer a Libertarian Either...

Robert Lindauer robgobblin at aol.com
Tue Jul 26 07:00:27 UTC 2005

Some people can't take a joke... relax!


On the other hand... people would probably be a lot more polite if they 
knew everyone else had a nuke in their pocket.

If you need a LITERAL point - I have "doubts" about guns as should 
anyone who realizes what they're for and that Farrakhan and Lorrey 
might have some.  Run for the hills!  But... certainly every person 
ought to be able to defend themselves against threats they might 
encounter, that's just wise.  Deterrence, I've found, is much better 
than actually fighting, and since weapons tend to be the only deterrent 
that some people understand, having some on hand is a good idea.  I'm 
not sure a nuke is the appropriate choice, and for me and my little 
family  a coupla shotguns are sufficient.

On Jul 25, 2005, at 6:26 PM, Joseph Bloch wrote:

> Anyone who thinks the right to own a nuclear weapon to folks like 
> Osama bin Laden, Mike Lorrey, David Duke, Louis Farrakhan, and the 
> local crazy guy on the corner ranting about the freemasons secretly 
> controlling the world... is given by God... is someone I will happily 
> and joyously DISagree with.
> You, sir, are a crank, if you really believe that. Defend that 
> statement, and be welcome to my twit filter.
> Joseph
> Robert Lindauer wrote:
>> For the record, I firmly believe every living person has a God given 
>> right to own a nuclear weapon.
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