[extropy-chat] Why I am No Longer a Libertarian Either...

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 27 13:51:50 UTC 2005

--- Al Brooks <kerry_prez at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I just wonder if a liberal arts degree is worth the
> cost anymore. For the price parents are paying today
> for higher ed they can set their children up in
> business, buy them real estate, or whatever. And why
> would anyone want to send their children to
> alternative schools? When alternative schools first
> began they actually were an alternative, now they are
> commercial alternative schools-- an oxymoron. 

A liberal arts degree is considered important by many if you are going
on to graduate school (unless you plan on being a scientist or
engineer, in many cases), but one liberal arts school is not equivalent
to any other, in terms of the political climate. That being said, going
to a liberal arts college is considered essential if you intend your
kid to be among the power elite, as it is at college where they meet
and become friends with other kids who will be the power elite (and
many who come from power elite families). As Esther Dyson once told her
dad when he noticed, upon visiting her at school for a day, that she
didn't go to any classes, "Daddy, you don't go here to take the right
classes, you go here to meet the right people."

If your only goal is your kids financial security, tell them to join
DEKA in high school, have them take business classes at night at a
local community college, and buy them a Subway franchise as a high
school graduation present. By the time they are 30, if they are any
good at business, they'll have a half a dozen franchises and be
president of the local Rotary.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
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